Border Sammy Venus Williams Of Singular’s
Border Collie
Border Sammy Venus Williams Of Singular’s
Border Collie
Sex Female
Birth: 06/11/2018
Color Black/White
Comments: VENUS JCH.Border Sammy Venus Williams Of Singular's, "Venus" Dysplasia --> HD: A/A ED: 0/0 CEA | TNS | NCL | MDR1 | IGS | RS - GG ... CLEAR Tested MYDOGDNA. Carrier of the tricolor and saddle genes An exceptional bitch. An incredible morphology that will transmit to her puppies. This female combines, in a single bitch, the excellence of the Brazilian way, which everyone should be able to produce in Brazil. This magnificent female brings all the generosity of her worldwide genetic heritage: Body structure, head and exuberant coat, plus a calm and willing temperament.Talk to the Breeder NOW! Talk to the Breeder NOW!
AKC Bra Pan Grand Ch Sporting Field Robinson N Caruso
Bayshore Hallelujah O Sporting Field (AKC DN22897009) [Usa]
Borderfame Signature
Sportingfield Cute as a Button
Bayshore's Under My Spell
Bayshore's I'm A Believer
Sporting Field Venus Willians
Sporting Fields Leader of The Pack
Sporting Field Morning Star
Sporting Field Coat of Many Color
Sporting Field's Chocolate O Kesca
Borderframe Signature
Shoreland All That Jazz